With inflation, taking more of our paychecks every day the government
needs to find new ways to build our economy. The answer lies in building basic infrastructure.
I am not talking about just roads and bridges, which while needed are the way
of the past when it comes to how Americans buy goods and services. Today is Cyber Monday. More and more people are buying their goods and services online
from large corporations such as Amazon and Walmart. Small businesses cannot
compete because of something we call the digital divide, a lack of basic access
and infrastructure for the internet. The U.S. must make access to the internet
free and fast for all Americans.
The U.S. should treat the internet as they did electricity.
They should regulate not the content, but the service provided to all Americans.
Basic internet should be free to the public and small businesses. Larger and
middle size companies could pay for higher end services provided by private
companies. By making internet accessible to all Americans, you increase the profit
base and therefore increase the usages. By increasing the usage, you then
increase the profit share to small businesses.
By increasing access of internet to all Americans, you build
a customer base, which will grow other companies and provide basic tax revenues
to small towns and outlying areas of our country. This is where government comes
in. They need to tax the very largest corporations in this country to raise
funds to pay for these investments. Think what it would have been like if our
country had never developed basic utilities. Think of all the items that run
on electricity in your own home. By providing access to all Americans, you
build the economy and expand business in all parts of the country. I am sure
that large corporations will fight this tooth and nail, but their fears are the
same faced by this country every time there is innovations in our technology.