Sunday, September 28, 2008

U.S. Bailout Language

Language for the Taxpayer’s Bailout (Highway Robbery) Bill also known as the “Economic Recovery and Corporate Accountability Act of 2008.”

Here is the language for the bill that must bailout the major corporations on Wall Street. The idea of letting any corporation get so large that they can hold the America Economy hostage and force us to bail them out in order to save our retirement and our economy is too outrages for words. Nevertheless the Bush (Bust) Administration has managed over just eight short years to do the unthinkable to harm this country. Senator John McCain would carry that mentality forward into yet another four more years of failure if the voting public gives him the chance to do so in November.

Now is the time to send in those vote by mail request forms and tell the Republican Party that the Economic Party is over for them and their good friends on Wall Street for the next four years so that we can get this country back on track. Senator McCain is already saying on This Week to George Stephanopoulos that he would not support any help for Main Street but that he has worked non-stopped even stepping away from his campaign to support Wall Street.

We need change that we can depend on and the only person for the job is Senator Barack Obama.