Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The buck stops here or turn-style justice

Sheriff Darren White is blaming the justice system and the state legislature for not reducing crime in New Mexico.

"We have failed miserably as a state as it relates to locking up violent thugs, turn-style justice has failed New Mexico miserably and our legislature has had numerous tries to get it right and they just don't," White said.

What he forgot to say was it is my fault since I am the sheriff that criminals keep ending up back on the street and that it is a Republican led state senate backed up by so called democrats like State Senator Tim Jennings who have repeatedly blocked bills put forward by State Senator Cisco McSorley that would have funded drug and mentally health programs and reduced the crime rate in this state.

If we want the crime rate to fall in this state we need to elect a democratic sheriff who will provide community policing and improve our sheriff’s department so that criminals are caught and the cases brought before our judges are not questionable. We also need to elect more progressives to the state senate so that the conservative democrats cannot side with their good friends the republicans to block important funding and laws that would reduce crime and increase the number of district court judges so that they are not over worked therefore giving them more time to spend on each cases that comes before them.