Monday, August 17, 2009

The media is wrong... again

Jim Dean says that if there is not a public option in the Healthcare reform bill they have enough votes in the U.S. House to kill the bill.

“Let's be clear: A Healthcare bill without a public option is D.O.A. in the House. Period.”

At present there are 64 representatives who are more than willing to block the bill from passing in the House without a public option. Time for the Republicans to face the facts they lost the last election and cannot continue to block real meanful healthcare reform in this country unless they wish their party to die from lack of support.

Representatives are being called heroes by the progressive liberals and many supporters of the public option who already see it as a compromise. At present none of our state's federal representatives are on the list of people willing to kill the reform bill if it fails to have a public option included in it.