Martin Heinrich 54%
Hector Balderas 46%
Martin Heinrich is the clear winner for the Pre-Primary Convention. Hector Balderas made the mistake of not breaking with the past. Heinrich will be the candidate to beat in November. Wilson with all of her failures in the ethical area of politics will not be able to make a case in the general election against Heinrich.
Congressional District One
Eric Griego
Martin Chavez
Michelle Lujan Grisham
This race is close Eric Griego clearly has walked away with the lead coming out of the pre-primary convention. Chavez will have his work cut out for him to stand a chance in the Primary.
Congressional District Two
Evelyn Madrid Erhard
This woman has the ability to beat Steve Pearce in the fall. Pearce has not just crossed the line with women but he is off the deep end. Erhard came off as a solid serious candidate for the Democratic Party.
Congressional District Three
Ben Ray Luján
Congressman Luján’s race was in the bag from the start. Congressman Luján lives and breaths the party’s moral and ethical values. He is a man who was well trained by his father in the art of public service. He is honorable and humble from the start with a solid grounding in the small communities of the northern New Mexico.
New Mexico Court of Appeals
Monica M. Zamora
Victor Lopez
Judge Zamora has the lead in this race coming out of the convention. Judge Victor Lopez will need to bring his “A” game to catch up. Both candidates in this race will run circles around the Governor appointed republican candidate. The governor made the mistake of letting money come before ethics when appointing this judgeship.