Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Bernalillo County Water Authority-Weed Control?

The board of the Bernalillo County Water Authority has no room to talk about weed control within the City of Albuquerque. 

Mayor Tim Keller who sits on the board clearly does not understand the problem of weeds when the Water Authority will go years without cleaning up the weeds around the city wells. The city 311 and weed control has no control over these areas of the city.

I think this is a case of set an example before you preach to the residents of this city about weed control .
If this was a residential yard someone would be getting a fine for weeds that had overgrown the property. This is good because I contacted my city councilman Patrick Davis last fall and asked that he get the weeds cleaned up. But as you can see nothing has been done to their property since that date. It took weeks for them to get around to cleaning the property last year. I think they wish to wait years before cleaning it again.