Saturday, June 20, 2009

Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colón Caught Getting His Hands Dirty

No Brian was not doing anything illegal far from it he was showing his strong support for healthcare by getting down on his hands and knees to weed the garden at PB&J Family Services, Inc. While most republicans who are trying to block healthcare reform were hitting a few balls around on the local golf course our party chairman was showing how much he cares for the local communities by getting his hands dirty in the garden of a place that helps out children and their families in our local communities.

Volunteers washed windows, cleaned playground equipment and weeded the garden. Although the day was hot the volunteers, some 60 or more, were hard at work in three different locations around the city. We even had a cabinet secretary one Cindy Padilla on her hands and knees pulling weeds in order to provide a nice place for the children of families that use the services of PB&J. Big Bill should give that woman a pat on the back next time he sees her for a job well done.

County Party Chairwoman Ana Canales was also hard at work in the garden where she found a few friends, one praying mantis and two snails, which she took the time to show Brian Colón’s son. It is clear that many in the county and state party support healthcare reform and want to support our federal representatives when it comes to this issue. The party is known for it service to the community through out the year.

I also had a chance to interview Debbie Sanchez the director of this program and loaded the interview on to Youtube today.