Sunday, June 14, 2009

Violent Against Women in the City

When will the aggression against women in this city stop? I came home today to hear fighting and female screams in behind my home. The police showed up and broke up the fight. The people fighting were in their twenties and not very mature. Two of the young men took off before the police arrived to break up the fight. Mine is a quiet neighborhood and the police are called quickly when something like this happens. We don’t see this type of behavior very often but every once in a while someone moves into the apartment complexes on Ross Pl because the landlords on that street don’t care who they rent their apartments to and then the police have a time dealing with these people until they get the message and move out of the area.

More needs to be done to fix up the International District in this area of the city so that problems like this are not drawn to our peaceful community. The store fronts on San Mateo between Zuni and Gibson are all empty now and this invites crime. The hospital is closed and only doctor’s offices remain. The local 7-Eleven sell liquor in large individual cans which only draws the wrong type of element into our area of the city. Police are always being called to the bus stop at the corner of San Mateo and Kathryn because someone is out cold most likely from the beer they purchased at that 7-Eleven. Women have been raped behind the building across the street from that 7-Eleven and sex offenders are too many to count in the large apartment complexes over on Madeira and Palomas.

When is the mayor going to do something when it comes to crime in this area of the city? Why is more not being done to put an end to crime? Laws should be pasted to limit the number of sex offenders who can live in one apartment complex so that they do not all end up in the same area and drive down the neighborhoods. Children have to cross San Mateo at Kathryn in order to reach the grade school during the fall.

While writing this piece I just had to stop and call the police once more because a young man who appeared drunk just started screaming “hay” behind those same apartments. When I called the police they said that they would send someone out to check on the problem. I have a feeling that this is going to be an on going issue for awhile until someone is arrested.