I changed shirts and went to the monthly meeting of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. This evening was a busy evening with the election getting closer. We started out with a State Central Committee meeting to decide who would be place on the ballot this fall for the Second District Court Judgeship which is up for election. The two candidates were Judge Reed Sheppard and Gail K. Prosser. I was wearing a “Keep Reed Sheppard” t-shirt to show my support. I must admit to never being thrilled to have friends supporting the opponent but that is part of the process. We all held our breath as Chairman Brian Colon read the results. Judge Reed Sheppard was the winner with just over sixty votes. I hated to see friends that were not happy with the results but at the same time I was very happy that Judge Sheppard received the support of the State Central Committee. We are very lucky to have him as our candidate. I could see that Judge Sheppard’s wife was thrilled that her husband won. She is doing a great job representing her husband. We are lucky to have wives like her that clearly care about their husbands.
Other individuals of note at the meeting were Judge Ira Robinson from the court of appeals, Sheryl Williams Stapleton State Representative, Jason Marks PRC, Maggie Toulouse Oliver county clerk, Judge Maria Dominguez and Judge Ben Chavez. Maria’s little son was full of energy keeping both his parents busy. It is always good to see the candidates with their families. It was good to see Judge Chavez out with the party. His children are so sweet and his little girl clearly looks like her lovely mother. Our is a party of people who put family first in this state. The monthly meeting often has children in attendants. It is clear that our candidates care about the future because of their families.