After the walking we all met at a local supporter’s home. It was good to watch Martin talk one on one with the voters of that area of the city. Martin is an intelligent man and very skilled in answering question on many topics. The nice thing is that he listens and really addresses the issues. I have seen too many candidates who just put out a slogan as if somehow that was an answer. When you can get him away from his campaign workers, I know you guys are just doing your job and doing it very well to keep him on the move to as many events as is humanly possible in one day. Martin is probability one of the most real people I know outside of Tom Udall.
Darren White is not very good at being a real person when he talks to people. He supported Bush in a way that said a great deal about the issues he cares about in our country. He is now carrying the party line of drill, drill and drill in the golf coast area. In case you have not notices lately the price of oil has jumped back up because of a hurricane in the gulf where Darren wants our country to drill. Someone with half a brain should please explain to Darren that drilling in the golf is not the answer to lower gas prices. I don’t know about my readers the voting public but I personally want lower gas prices.
Martin was able to carry on a very good and informed conversation with a gentleman on that very issue today. He also spoke about water usage in New Mexico. Senator McCain would love to renegotiate the 1922 Colorado River Water Compact which gives us our drinking water for the present and the future. Martin was president of the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority and has valuable knowledge on this topic. With Martin in congress our state would have a very skilled individual to represent our interest on the issue of that compact. Can we truly afford to have Darren who knows little about science and water issues in congress when we have Martin who is very skilled and knowledgeable in both these areas? So the question is do we want Martin Heinrich (intelligent conversation and representation) or Darren White (Bush Slogans) as our next congressman?
*Pictures from the Martin Heinrich Blog.