Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Seat at the Table Both Nationally and Locally

While President Elect Obama is hard at work in Washington putting together a new administration, he has also developed a plan called a “seat at the table” in which any documents or meeting notes with outside groups will be published on his website. The goal of the Obama administration is to make government transparent by asking for comment and reaction along with suggestions related to issues that affect the voting public. To listen to what voters have to say on issues and give government back to the American people. Not a bad way to lead our country forward.

When it comes to our state and local government it would appear that we simply don’t and will not have a seat at the table this year. State Senators are already telling us that they plan on cutting budget items like education without even asking educational employees and parents what they want to see when it comes to cuts. It is one thing to say we all have to cut back and ask for input in what areas and it is a whole different thing to simply tell the voting public that this is how it is going to happen. Where is the dialog with the people who will be affected by these cutbacks in the budget?

The Rio Rancho School district is a good example of the lack of transparency in government in this state. Parents and teachers were not asked to give input into how to make cuts but front line teachers did have their emails closed. Administration was not asked to cut back on their hours while part time substitutes were given pink slips and administrators who receive higher incomes are then put in their place. Where is the plan to save money in these behaviors? Where is the attempt made to protect the children of that school district? I personally would like to see the state auditor’s office audit that school district to find out just how taxpayers dollars are being spent.

New Mexicans deserve a seat at the table when it comes to state and local issue. State Senators should remember just who they are representing in Santa Fe this January.