Friday, June 12, 2009

Mayoral Candidates Want an Issue Try Crimes Against Women and Children

Can’t go to the car wash without getting harassed by the homeless asking for money and get aggressive if you don’t fork it over. Having your front door kicked in during the day so drug addicted thieves can take your TV or DVD player. Having your laundry room broken into so that thieves can damage the washers just for quarters to feed their drug habit. Have your car taken from the church parking during the middle of the day. Finding missing women on the Westside of the city when no one in the police department had the desire or the time to pursue missing person cases even when the families were looking for theses women.

These are just a few of the problems facing our current city and they make the female voting public feel more then a little unsafe because of it. Safety is a major issue in a city this large and while most violent crimes are going down crimes against women in this city have been going up. The only answer we get from the police force is that more crimes are being reported. So what is the current mayor doing to help prevent these types of crimes? Where is the task forces to deal with car thieves and individuals who target women in this city? Where is the city outreach to provide protection for women? Why do the police tell women that only when you are dead and then only if they find your bones do you become important to the police in this city? This is an issue that all candidates should be addressing.

Note: Let's also ask our congressman to support Adam's Law to protect our children from harm.