Friday, April 26, 2019

Vetting vs. Attacking a Candidate Running for a Political Office

I have seen people who are all out attacking any candidate that is not their own with unfounded rumors and all out lies as of late. They just want to disqualified anyone that is not their own candidate. This is not a correct political process. It is wrong and unreasonable to expect candidates to disprove false claims all of the time. It discourages good people from running for political offices. It discourages people from voting.

What is real vetting?

Well let’s dispense first with the salacious claims:

Does the candidate openly cheat on his or her spouse? Like Trump who cheated with one women while still married to another. Then he would divorce the one and married the next one who he had cheated with while still married. 

Don’t vote for individuals like this!

Does the candidate molest children? Well if he says that he would date his daughter. Touches her inappropriately in public. Tells reporters how hot a child is on camera.

Don’t vote for individuals like this!

Is the candidate racist or sexist? If he talks about grabbing a women’s body parts, forces himself on married women, or makes remarks of a sexual nature. If he calls white supremacist good people, wears white nationalist items of clothing or makes their signs or symbols in public on camera. 

Don’t vote for individuals like this!

Now for the run of the mill items:

Does the candidate agree with these items?

                First amendment rights. I.e. Freedom of the press.
                Real immigration reform. Not holding children in cages.
                Human rights for all people.
                Equal pay for all individuals. A real minimum wage.
                Healthcare for all.
                A clean healthy environment.
                National Parks acessable to all.
                 Healthcare for all.
                Building jobs for the future.
                Green energy at a affordable cost.
                Peacefully working with other nations around the globe.
                Living a scandal free life.
                Respecting the rule of law.
                Real gun reform that protects citizens of this country from
                mentally ill individuals. Responsible gun ownership laws. 

Now as we all know from past experience not all candidates are going to live up to our desires on all of the issue. All we can do is pick a candidate who fits closely with our values the most. If you really want to help that candidate win then talk to your neighbor about the things you like and value most about your candidate. Don’t attack the other candidates unless you want people not to vote for anyone in 2020.