Sunday, December 30, 2007

Top ten traits that make a good public servant

  1. Shows a high level of respect for the rule of law
  2. Uses force with care only as a last resource
  3. Protects and cares for the natural world
  4. Stands up for quality public education
  5. Desires quality health care for all Americans
  6. Listens to people who wish to voice their views
  7. Never gives up on the issues the constituents care about
  8. Represents and works hard for the people of his/her state
  9. Responds to the cares and fears of his/her constituents
  10. Is well informed and thoughtful about the issues facing our nation and our state

    These are all traits that we would like in our politicians. Yet, how often do we the voters take the time to get to know the people who work for us in our local or national government. I have heard over the last year voters voice a strong displeasure with some of our local politicians without beginning to know how they have voted in the past or what they stand for in the present. The art of debate has gone by the way side in favor of the five second sound bits on just about every issue. It is not what they stand for but how good they appear and how much money they can raise. Politicians need to look good and sound good on camera but they don't need to have a solid understanding of the issues that matter to their constituents. After they are elected then they must provide our state with the best results that they can bring home from a situation where everyone is out for the same limited resources. Resources that are dwindling because of a never ending war. Some voters do not wish to be contacted by the individuals running for public office. They don't want to know where these people stand on issues. Yet, they vote for the people who will lead our country and represent our state. Too many people have stopped voting altogether and appear not to care who runs their government. Our freedoms are endanger of being taking away because of a lack of interest in our own system of government. More and more individuals have little or no knowledge of how our form of government works. If asked, I wonder what would be the top ten traits that a good public servant would like in his/her constituents. At what point does our country reach the tipping point that will cause the downfall of our system of government. It is time for voters to stand up so that they can listen to and be heard by the people who represent them.