Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Party moves on and Poor need not apply

Time to move our Party forward to the November election

In our newsletter this month Jim Buhaug, DPBC First Vice-Chair and Postmaster pointed out all of the bad things that were happen in the sixties so as to tell us that what happen on February 5, 2008 here in New Mexico was not that great of a disaster in the scheme of things. We will live that day down in our party history and we will move on and win the general election because no one in our party wants Senator John McCain to be president. He has anger management problems that could cause our country irreparable damage in the future if he was elected president. He could careless if we spent the next hundred years at war or so he has said. He does not care for the young men and women who are giving their lives everyday on foreign soil if he did then he would want them home. Senator John McCain could make George W. Bush’s administration look like a walk in the park in comparison over the long run if he is elected. At least with President Bush most of what he has done was because of a lack of skill not full blown intent to cause harm. If we want a more hopefully and brighter future for our country, we must put our differences behind us and work together to retake the oval office. Our country can not survive another republican president. Most assuredly we don’t want someone like Senator John McCain in the people’s White House.

We have a lot of good young people in control of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and they need our support to make our party one of the strongest in the country. Our state is split between the two main parties and most likely will remain that way for years to come but we have to work to get our people out to vote in November. We need to send a clear message that the time for change has come and we will settle for nothing less.

Party Fund Raising

“The chief job of a party chairman is to raise money.” Spoken like a true outdated white republican male. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth please don’t apply to be state party chairman. Never mind that you can get people to care about the direction our party is headed. Never mind that you are good at getting out the vote. Never mind that you have a brain in your head. Never mind you are willing to talk with party members that have not seen a party chairman in years. Never mind that you can plan for the party’s future with young people. Why on earth would we want a state party chair that is good at his job when we could have a spoiled rich kid who has nothing better to do with his time than raise money? Funny, I thought I was a member of the Democratic Party of New Mexico. You know, the party that John F. Kennedy spoke about when he said this:

“If by a ‘liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people—their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties—someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a ‘Liberal.’”

If I had wanted to be in a party that held the idea that only rich white men could be state party chair, I would have become a Republican like the rest of my family after all I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I must admit that I am happier being a poor democratic substitute teacher. I know that my rich republican brothers would be much happier if I were married to a member of my own social class and spent my time throwing parties to raise money for the Republican Party but we can’t please everyone all the time now can we? I think we are doing just fine with Brian Colon as our state party chairman. I hope that our party members will feel the need to give to the state party without us having a member of their social class for the chairman after all I, a poor unmarried substitute teacher, found the money to give for the Democratic Caucus.