Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Time for real change in our state government

Basic Family Budget Calculator

Albuquerque, NM

1Parent 1Child

Monthly housing-----------$ 699
Monthly food--------------$ 265
Monthly child care---------$ 479
Monthly transportation----$ 272
Monthly health care-------$ 204
Monthly other necessitie---$ 260
Monthly taxes -------------$ 174
Monthly total ------------$ 2,353
Annual total-------------$ 28,236

Percentage of all people in state living below family budget line*-35%
Number of all people in state living below family budget line*-119,000

Note: Data from the Economic Policy Institute. Website: http://www.epi.org/budgetcalc.cfm

35% of all people living in New Mexico are living below this budget line. I know of a number who are working in the field of education that makes a few thousand less then $25,000 a year to support their families. This year they get a 2% raise and nothing more. The health care plan was not passed during the 30 day session this year. This is not what you would call being rich by anyone’s standards. What is it going to take to get lawmakers in our state to value education and the people who work in that field? It would appear that they care more about their pork rather than education and the people who work in the field of education. Maybe it is time to replace a few state senators.