Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Webcasting from the Roundhouse

You have to understand that change can be hard for just about anyone but older individuals adjust to it at a much slower rate than younger individuals. Living in a state where most of the media outlets lean toward the right has not been a great help in encouraging change nevertheless change will come to our roundhouse. State Representatives will learn to adjust to having people from all over the state carefully watching how the laws in our state are developed and it will be for the good. Transparency and accountability in government is always preferred over closed door policies. The more people who can watch our state government in action the better they will understand how difficult it can sometimes be to pass laws. Although if you have ever watched the federal government at work you know that it can be a very tedious and dull process at times.

I personally look forward to the day that I can check the web to see what our local state representatives are working on in Santa Fe. I think that it should be administered in a way that does not reflect badly on either party and that such meetings may just get a little kinder if people know they are being watched by the voting public. I firmly hope that in the future they will come to welcome web cameras in their meetings.