Monday, October 6, 2008

It’s the Economy Stupid (John McCain)

I personally think John McCain is spending way too much time with Sarah Palin because it appears her IQ or lack thereof is rubbing off on that man. Congress just pasted a $700 billion bailout for Wall Street and John McCain wants to see change alright but not in our economy just in his approach to what is being covered on the campaign trail. Could it be that Palin’s poor judgment is taking center front stage again over McCain or is he like most republican men just influenced by a pretty face? Every republican male I have spoken to lately say they would vote for Sarah only because she is easy on the eyes but they could care less if she can run the country. Maybe that is why we are seeing a lot more of Cindy McCain on the tail lately. Come to think of it was she not the trophy wife that replaced the first Mrs. McCain? Karma does have a way of coming back to bite people.

Republicans who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones at the Democratic Candidates. After all look who McCain is palling around with lately and what does that say about his judgment. Michelle Obama, a very intelligent woman in her own right, is clearly the more attractive wife and her husband Senator Obama is clearly the more devoted husband.

Senator McCain has chosen to visit Albuquerque this week and I am sure that the Democratic Party will have a warm reception for him at the University of New Mexico which is the heart of Senator Obama’s student support. How desperate can a republican candidate get to try and hold a rally in the middle of the young democratic heartland?