Monday, October 13, 2008

What is in Control of this Country?

You ever wonder at work sometimes why you would get the blame for something that you surely and completely have no control over. I sometimes wish that I had half of the ability to control people that I get the bad credit for at work.

The economy is like that at present. This election is hinged on the issue of how well our economy is doing during the election cycle. Never mind that for the past eight years President Bush (Bust) and the Republican Party has gone on a spending spree that this country could not afford. I hear ads everyday now that try and blame this mess on the Democratic Party and its candidates but at this point in time the voting public has seen through those misdirected attacks.

We have all seen the news coverage of how Senator McCain had to explain to a republican woman that Senator Obama is a good father and husband and an America. You have to wonder why people would be so desperate that they could believe the attacks. Fear and the need to blame others for our problems is what got us into this mess in the first place. The fear and hate of others could lead our country into greater harm’s way as it did the German people during World War I and II.

Our country needs to put fear on hold and elect a person that can provide hope for the future.

Vote Today

Vote for Senator Barack Obama

We need Hope not Fear