If you are looking for someone who looks presidential then look no futher then Senator Barack Obama. At this point in history we need someone who understands how to deal with the economy and that man is clearly Senator Obama.
It is also clear that Senator McCain (McSame) has not got a clue on how to deal with either this economic crisis or the House of Representatives. Last night his vice presidential pick had to prove that she had a brain in her head. This is the woman that would be president if anything happened to Senator McCain. Now no one wishes any harm to Senator McCain but the man is not getting any younger and he does have a history of skin cancer. I have cancer so I know that the older you get the more likely it is that cancer can pay a unwelcome visit once more. The last thing this country needs right now is someone who is unable to stay on top of the current economic issues due to health reason. This is a matter of who is fit to be president and how skilled is that individual to run our country.