Monday, April 13, 2009

Double Dipping By: Carter Bundy

I was reading this article on Heath Haussamen’s blog and was very impressed by the argument for the limiting of double dipping. Now I live in Albuquerque and work in the educational system where we have an associate dean who double dips. He spent 20 years on the APD payroll and now he is working for the college.

I understand his argument that if he went out into the industry that he could earn his retirement plus his salary which would not be capped but on the other hand he is working for the state government and that means that he is preventing other younger people from moving up the ladder to his position. At a time in this state when we have very high unemployment numbers how critical is it that we should allow double dipping from retirees. Governor Richardson said that they are providing a service in areas where few are trained to work but if that is true then why is more money not being put into the education of individuals in those areas of study? We need to look to the future and help people to move into jobs where there is demand by keeping retiree in those positions government does not feel the need to education future works. What happens when the time comes that those retirees can no longer work where will be the trained professional to replace them?

I am very impressed that Heath Haussamen took the time to post Carter Bundy’s blog on his website it was a very good move in my opinion.