Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Even the Long Time Republicans Want to be Democrats Now

Today Arlen Specter a long time republican senator from Pennsylvania made the move to the Democratic Party. Welcome to the party Senator Specter we are very happy and honored to have you. I hope you will take the time to review some of your more conservative stands in the near future. When you work with other democrats maybe you can come up with a middle ground that is better then either side could find in the past. There is nothing wrong with looking at an issue from all sides to find different points of view and maybe come up with new unthought-of solutions to past problems.

As Senator Specter said it is all about the voting public and no one party has the corner on right approaches when it comes to issues that are difficult to solve. The problem with the current Republican Party is that they don’t want to help fix the problems. They want to stop all progress and live in a past that has harmed the voting public on Main Street. We must be willing to encourage our representatives to take bold actions to help our country shine as it once did and can again.

The Democratic Party is becoming a party of people who put the welfare of the voting public first and politics as usual in the past. For democrats who question why Senator Specter choose to switch parties let’s give him a chance to prove that he did it for all of the right reasons.

Let’s hope that in the future more moderate republicans feel the need to review their views and make a stand to support the voting public rather then the party of no progress for the future.