Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Patients is one of the most difficult virtues

I attended a conference this week and one of the sessions was on “The 7 habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey. Patients and understand are part of those habits of highly effective people. Being positive in the way we approach people does work even when you don’t always get what you want the first time round. When it comes to my job I know that my goal is to get the same benefits that other college staff receives. I have been very proactive in trying to obtain those benefits. I will continue to work in a proactive method to make sure that all educational support staff in this state are treated fairly and with respect for the job that they do which adds to the profits of the colleges around the state.

It cost the taxpayers far less to retain students in our state higher educational institutions then it would cost them to recruit new students therefore it is far more cost effective to use instructional support staff then to perform recruitment activities. This is what we call a win-win result for the voting public. I hope that Wall Street Style Educational Administration and the voting public will begin to understand that educational employees are this state’s finest assets when it comes to cutting the cost of higher education for our state’s residents.

Educational Administration should be working hard to show educational support staff in a monetary method just how much they are appreciated. By providing a stable income to educational support staff you show them that this state cares about the future of its residents and you show businesses around the country that we are willing to invest in the people who make our educational system a success therefore employers are more will to move to this state in order to provide future jobs. Quality of life is very much an issue and so is skilled labor when deciding where to place a new company or expand an old one. No one wants to live in a state where educational support employees are living on state assistance just to get by from day to day. If the people who plan the state budget want to increase employment and reduce higher education cost they will start by increasing the pay rates of educational support staff in this state. It will be far more effective and will cost far less than hiring a hundred Vice Presidents or administrative staff.

By keeping educational support staff in the level of low income this state is killing the gooses that lay the golden eggs of student success and skilled labor.