Sunday, April 5, 2009

Race for Mayor of Albuquerque

With three candidates being successful in bring in the donations for the mayors race so as to receive public funding we now know who our candidates are most likely to be in the near future. After watching Eye on New Mexico I can say that either democrat would be a much better mayor then the republican candidate. The republican candidate would do away with government oversight of businesses which we have all seen does the voting public more harm then good. He also supports taking taxpayer’s money which should be used for government services and using it to pay private businesses rather then keeping the current city services. In a time when more not less pubic services are needed why would we want our taxpayer’s dollars being spent on construction?

I have to admit that although I am not a huge fan of Mayor Martin Chavez’s grow at all cost behaviors of the last few years that I still respect all that he has done to increase services to the local communities and the economically distressed voting public in this city. I would strongly encourage people to vote for the tax to pay for the current public bus system in this city come October.

Richard Romero who is the other candidate is being supported by the progressive movement in this city and aligns his views with a more progressive common senses governmental approach. He was a teacher so he is aware of the problems faced by our educational system and my have a better understanding of the value of after school programs.

Either of these two candidates would do a much better job in the mayors office and I get the feeling that they would work far better with the state and federal government which is important for our city’s future growth and development. Now is the time to get out and support the democratic candidates to insure that we have the right style of government to move our city forward in the near future. Now is not the time to return to old worn out republican policy of the past at a local level.