Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Investigate Edwards or Bush

I just don’t get it. The press is all over John Edwards for his affair with that woman and he is being investigated for using campaign money to pay her off. The problem with this is that Edwards’ career is over and done with for good. No women in this country would ever vote for him again and rightly so if you ask me. I am sure that there is a special place in hell for that other woman and it is a shame that she will live longer then Mrs. Edwards.

On the other hand we keep being told that any investigation into the wrong doing of the Bush Administration should be in the past and that we need to move forward. So which is it do we only investigated our own and drag poor Mrs. Edwards through the mud during what may be her last few years of life while we let republicans walk scot-free when it comes to crimes far more harmful to this country? That simply does not make senses to me and never will. If the press wants someone to drag through the mud I suggest Bush and his people.