Saturday, July 26, 2008

Democratic Party of New Mexico Platform Meeting

Party Chairman Brian Colon opened the meeting by thanking the committee that helped write the current platform. Chairman Colon also thanked the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County for providing the pizza for the meeting. The meeting was schedule to take three hours but like all platform meetings it took four hours. The results will be sent to the Obama campaign to draft a national platform at the convention where the active voters have a voice in this year’s platform for the Democratic Party. Senator Obama is an organizer and wants to make this personal for as many voters as he can in the next few weeks. The topics covered were the economy; the environment; government and civil liberties; health, education, social security, and the arts; and military and international relations. As you can tell the topics were broad but the groups went into detail when deciding what each bullet should cover under each topic. My topic was education because I work in the field of education and because I have a child that is in the APS school system.

I see that Burque Babble’s Scott thinks that APS teachers make enough money to withstand the two percent raise this year. I wish I could say the same about Instructional Support Staff at the college level. Even Key said that if this type of pay raise were to continue into the future that he might be looking into the purchase of a crowbar. I was taught that the pen was always mightier then the sword (crowbar). I think that if we hold elected official accountable for their behavior and make that behavior public for all to see that it will have a more lasting effect on their future behavior when it come to supporting the people who work with students everyday in the field of education.

I started this blog to get the word out about the failure of our current administration both locally and nationally in a number of areas. As long as we stay silence and allow the Republican Party to control the local press nothing in this state will ever change for the better and then these issues will not be addressed. Senator Obama is offering us the opportunity to stand up for what we believe in and hold everyone accountable including ourselves for makes the changes that we need in this country. No government can harm the voting public unless we the people allow it to with our silences. A vote in November can speak volumes about how we feel on a number of issues facing our country.

One last note: A big thank you to the Plumber and Pipefitters Union for allowing us to use their union hall for meetings. They have provided a great service to the community in Bernalillo County.