Sunday, July 20, 2008

What is the Philosophy of Modern Government?

We often asks what is the purpose of modern government and why does it not achieve the goals that we the voting public want it to achieve. We in Albuquerque as around the country have two opposing groups that want government to achieve their goals for government.

The Democrat's Dream

The democrats want government to provide for the poor, while not infringing on freedoms or rights. We want public education to be supported and the people who work in the field to be well paid for their services while providing a world class education for our youth. We want an end to war but not at the expense of jobs in our state. We want to protect the local environment and provide energy that is low cost. We want a high standard of living for all not just a small percentage of elite individuals. We want a culture that can care for the weak, the disabled, and the elderly. We want a diverse culture where people of all backgrounds are treated equally. We want the American dream in our time.

The Republican's Dream

The republicans want government to rewards people for their individual achievements in business. To have government lower taxes for businesses and richer individuals. They want everyone to take responsibility for their own life and stand on their own without assistance from the government. They want the government to enforce laws that reflex their moral values and their views of what family is to everyone. They want private education that is given to only those that can afford to pay for it therefore freeing productive individuals from having to carry the load for less productive individuals in society. They want peace through force and for the world to fear our country’s name. They want a society where Anglo white individuals are rewarded for being the highest level of the food chain through luck and hard work. They want to hold the poor accountable for any action that is not considered legal. They believe in survival of the fittest.

With these two very different views of what government’s roll should be we are faced with trying to strike an equal balance between the two opposing groups. Government is after all by the people and for the people not just some of the people. Our problem of late is that the republican’s dream has been overtaking the democrat’s view. The next four years will be taking up with trying to rebalance the scale if a democrat is elected president. If a republican is elected president then it will be an end of the democrat’s dream for the future of our country.

In the end it is up to the voting public which group will prevail in the November election.