My daughter and I were called this week for an early evening shooting of Martin Heinrich’s new commercials. Like last time, which was right before the primary, soon to be Congressman Heinrich decided to use some of his many supporters to do his commercials so no paid actors in his ads. Maybe the only way republicans can show people in their ads is to pay them just a thought. Mr. Heinrich had just returned from Texas where he attended a Netroots Convention. Martin Heinrich has always been supported by grassroots democrats here in Albuquerque. Netroots Nation grew up after the 2000 election because grassroots democrats felt the need to get the Democratic Party message out to the voting public and to better organize local voters to achieve goals like healthcare for all, quality education for our children and environmental causes that had failed to get attention during that year’s election. Noted guests at this year’s convention were former Vice-President Al Gore, Martin Heinrich, and Ben Ray Lujan. Two local bloggers from Albuquerque were able to attend this year’s convention so you can go to the bottom of the page and check out their pictures and reports about the convention on the links. One does have to wonder how the Republican Party took having that many grassroots democrats in the state of Texas although I hear that the party is growing with Reagan democrats everyday even in Texas.
The time we spent taking pictures was not long so we were out relativity quickly for the shoot. I personally was hoping to be last on the list for my daughter’s picture to get taken but Mr. Heinrich known me on sight and I get the feeling that he did not want the details of his new commercials to get out before they were aired after all who could blame him when he is having to deal with cutthroat republicans. I wore black so that I could avoid being in the pictures but it did not get me out of some still shots. Even if I am getting a little older I can happily lend my image to support a quality candidate when he runs for our congressman. Just please no one show me the pictures. At least I can say I was standing next to one of our more photogenic candidates in the crowd.
While we were waiting for the shoot to start the local democrats got to talking about the issues like the attack ads from Steve Pearce’s Campaign aimed at Tom Udall on drilling. I hear that the republican attack machine is gearing up for a bloody fall with our candidates. They are hoping to attack our candidates by pointing out that drilling in fragile environments is not their first line of attack on high gas prices. Never mind that it would take ten years for that oil to get to market or that million of acres of lease land is not being used while the Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would put those leases back on the market for use by other oil companies that might use them. Never mind that Shell oil had to pull people off of oil rigs in the gulf coast today and interrupt oil production in the gulf because of a hurricane and it will not be the last time they have to do so. If we did throw all of those lands open to oil drilling it could lead to environmental harm that could make costal flooding of the past look mild in comparison with possible future floods. The voting public can just not get through to the republicans on this issue and they will not admit how wrong they are because to do so would only admit that they don’t have a prayer in the November elections. One should know that Sheriff Darren White was more then willing to agree with the Bush Administration on this issue. Now tell me again how he does not run to the republican far right side when it comes to issues that will adversely affect the voting public both here in New Mexico and around the country. Sheriff White should not be looking to ride George Bush’s and Steve Pearce’s coat tails on this issue but I guess he wants to loss the race in November.
Sorry to say I did not get any details about what the new commercials will be covering so stay tuned because I am sure everyone will want to see my daughter in the new commercials. Oh, I am also sure that everyone will also want to see our next Congressman Martin Heinrich.