Sunday, July 19, 2009

Healthcare for All in America?

What does the American people have to sacrifice in order to achieve this goal? Will we loss benefits or will a thin body be the ultimate goal no matter what the cost to our overall long term health? How will handicapped individuals be treated in this one size fits all program? Will states be able to provide a public option or will the federal government kill this part of the bill? If your employers decides to go with other plans will you be able to keep your current doctor or is that just a goal to be sacrificed in order to pass this plan? Will they tax low income individuals just to pay for the plan? Will co-pays be so high that you can still not afford to see a doctor even though you are insured? Does cost containment take precedence over any individuals well being? Can one approach be applied to all individuals without killing people?

Far too many questions and few answers are what is being put out at present by the government. Members of the federal government are going to have to face some hard questions on this issue from the voting public. At some point voters are going to say either get something that we can live with or vote no for a plan that would not work. Some issues cannot be sacrificed in order just to get a plan. Decisions should be between a patient and their doctor therefore government should not be placing restrictions on care for individuals. If we cannot get a plan that protects those rights then why have a plan that will in the end kill more people than it helps.

If, and it is a big if, they can cover all Americans then how is the system to provide care to everyone because we simply don’t have the people in this field to care for all of these individuals. Millions of Americans don’t have healthcare and therefore don’t use the system so what happens when these people start using the system? How long will be the wait just to see a doctor? Where is the money to educate nurses and doctors? Americans need more education on the details of this plan before they can get behind it and support it. Voters should have a loud voice in what goes into this plan before anything is passed.

We all support getting healthcare for all Americans but we want quality healthcare for all that does not cost people their lives. We want affordable healthcare that protects the individuals rights. We want something that puts the patient and the doctor in charge of their care not a uncaring federal government agent who may or may not make the right call in a matter of live or death.