Wednesday, July 22, 2009

President Obama and Healthcare

I can support President Obama’s views on healthcare so I am hoping very much that his view is the view that gets passed into law. The fear is that stupid ideas like taxing people who are overweight could end up in the bill but the President has said that he would not support such ideas which would result in a tax on low income and middle class individuals. He also said that a medical panel of doctors would look into cost saving measure that did not harm patients which I can totally support. We don’t want lawmakers making the call for what is good for our families in this country. No offense but they are not doctors as you can see by the ideas put out by one of our own.

As a consumer I have always tried to cut the cost of my healthcare and sometimes even the doctors don’t like my behavior. They want me to get X-Rays of my hip replacement every year but this last time it was four years. My hip replacement shows wear and the doctor was surprised that I was not in more pain but he had to live with my choice on when to get the X-Rays done. By the way I am in pain but I manage it without major pain killers everyday just part of living with a 90% replacement of ones femur along with the removal of 25% of the muscles that resulted in major reconstruction of the remaining 75%. My replacement was a consume design job for a 29 year old who was very active at the time of the bone cancer. So if President Obama wants to do one test that all doctors share more power to him. I would never let them sick me twice for the same test just for two different doctors and I have carried my own X-Rays to all of my specialist appointments.

Now let’s all hope that what comes to the president’s desk is something that he feels comfortable signing into law. And let’s all hope that we don’t see more stupid amendment that tax the middle class and low income individuals for preexisting medical problems slipped into this bill by members of our own party. I can live with a bill that covers 97% to 98% of all Americans while giving them a better quality of health insurance.