Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pancakes and Politics with Diane Denish

This morning at 8:30 am in downtown Albuquerque the first future female governor of New Mexico meet with local democrats to have pancakes for breakfast.

Lt. Governor Diane Denish spoke about her commit to a higher level of ethics and open government for New Mexico in the future. She wants to make sure that government is supporting the voting public in a open and honest manner so that everyone no matter which party they belong to is assured of fair and honest treatment.

She will be our first female Governor and will be a role model to young female democrats for years to come in this state. Diane Denish is a strong supporter of all our federal democratic representatives and made note that she supports the democrats from all parts of the state. She is from the southern part of this state and looks forward to many years of strong support from her hometown. She spoke of making sure that the southern part of our state had good paying jobs for the future.

Diane Denish has worked hard to support education in this state. She wants to make sure that our children get a quality public education so that they can provide a solid workforce for our states future economic health. She said that even in tough economic times we must find ways to finance a quality education for the children in this state otherwise New Mexico will only fall farther behind.

Al Parks the state representative from the International District was there to support his party and the Lt. Governor . State Party Chairman Brian Colón was as always the graceful leader of a party which shared in diversity and yet comes together under one strong leader to support our candidates. Judge Briana Zamora who is running for Metro Court was there with her young family showing that the court system clearly cares for their community and showing young Hispanic women that they can be anything they chose to be with only a little hard work. As always many many more quality candidates were in attends and we are blessed to have a party with far too many quality candidates to name all of them in just one blog so check out the picture to see more.

All in all it was a good morning for the democratic women of this state to show their ability to provide open and honest government well into the future.