Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Open Honest Government from State Senator Tim Keller

State Senator Tim Keller posted this on his blog looking for feedback from the voting public.

“I'm getting ready for our Revenue Stabilization Committee meeting in Farmington and keep thinking about "the lesser of evils" and thought I'd reach out and see what others feel about the following potential situation. Let’s say our state funding continues to fall, and we have stark choices. Hopefully it won't come to this but, what would you do?

- cut services (social service, schools, universities, government headcount?)
- cut headcount and/or across the board 10% cuts for all
- raise taxes (on individuals, on businesses, on property, extractive industries?)
- take additional funds from our permanent funds?
- cut taxes in the hopes of stimulating business and then getting more tax revenue?
- try and issue more debt to free up one time funding options?
- lease state lands to developers?

Let me know your thoughts, feel free to suggest new ideas, this is just a primer......”

With the state’s economy doing poorly and little hope of it turning around in the near future state senators are being faced with some tough choices. I can’t say that I am pleased with any of these options but if I had to pick for the lesser evil I would vote for raising taxes before cutting services to the public at this point in time. The second choice would have to be taking money from the permanent funds. Please feel free to contact either Senator Keller or your state senator to give your option on this issue and new ideas are most welcome at this point in time.

We should all be pleased that some of our state senators are taking the time to ask the options of the voting public and not just forcing their views on the public.