Saturday, October 2, 2010

Retired Second District Court Judges to Hear Probation Violation Cases

Former Bernalillo County Sheriff Candidate and Public Communications Officer for the District Attorney’s Office in Albuquerque Pat Davis thinks it is an “awesome idea.” Retired Judges Woody Smith, Diane Dal Santo and Michael Martinez will be hearing probation violation cases so as to speed up the process. The end result will be faster justice for all parties concerned and fewer inmates clogging up the county jail system.

The State Supreme Court lead by Chief Justice Charles Daniels working with both the county and some very gifted Second District Court judges have come up with a cost effective method to deal with a number of related problems in Bernalillo County which by the way is one of the largest court districts in the state. The county will be picking up the price tag for these part-time retired judges since they have more money then the state due to careful financial planning and a more stable revenue tax base.

Credit for this plan should be shared by all three entities for their ability to effectively work together to come up with innovative solutions to resolve issues facing our cash strapped county court system and our over populated county jail system.

The Second District Court system was just forced to layoff 11 employees to increase the number of workers in the clerk’s office in order to alleviate massively unacceptability long lines to file legal documents. The issue of how best to deal with dwindling financial resources for the court system have weighted heavily on the minds of the court’s administrative staff and judges as they work to continue to met their constitutional duties and responsibilities to the public in Bernalillo County.

Now if only the city government could learn to work as effectively with the state government when it comes to the DNA labs. But then again what are we to expect from a republican lead city government. You have to wonder if the State Supreme Court members could work their magic on that problem as well? Probability not within their jurisdiction.