Sunday, January 27, 2008

King George (a.k.a. President George W. Bush) is at it once again

He is developing a treaty with the Iraq government that would force our military to stay in Iraq for the next ten years. Senator Clinton has strongly suggested a bill that would force President Bush to seek Senate approval before any binding treaties could be made with the Iraq government. Senator Obama said he would be happy to support the bill. Can anyone in their right mind agree with King George that he has the right, god given or otherwise, to make treaties all by himself like this one that would hog tie our next president's hands when it comes to the removal of troops from Iraq. I must admit it was pleasing to see Senator Clinton and Senator Obama agreeing on supporting each other on such an important issue. It just goes to show that those two could work well together if they wanted to play nice. If there is one person in this country that needs watching and needs put back in his place then all three of our presidential candidates should be keeping a careful eye on King George. Should anyone be surprised that he was trying to make this treaty quietly while everyone's attention was on the economy? God only knows what that man will try next.

Good Job Albuquerque Journal

The Albuquerque Journal did a good job in reporting the voting record of the State House of Representatives when it came to the Domestic Partner Bill (HB9). I hope that they keep up the good job with other important bills that are pasted in the State House and State Senate over the next 30 days. Being able to see how our representatives' vote on important issues can only help voters make more informed choices during next year's elections.

Senator Obama wins South Carolina Primary

No surprise that Senator Obama would win in South Carolina. It is interesting that after all of the fighting that Senator John Edwards had a good showing in the race.