Monday, January 28, 2008

Never disagree with the experts

Over the years, I have learned to never disagree with a few of my most trusted friends when it comes to the areas in which they are experts. I trust and respect my friends and know when to rely on them for their advice. I have a friend who is a judge so I never disagree with him when it comes to the law. Mind you I don't trust just any judge but there are people in the world that when you get to know them then you learn to respect their judgment on issues where they are well educated. When it comes to politics there is only one person that I try hard never to disagree with because he has been working in politics every since I was in diapers. He is supporting Senator Obama for President. He sent me an email today because he will be making his formal announcement for who he supports. He asked me to support Senator Obama for President. I am finding it very difficult to not listen to this very old trusted family friend especially since I am undecided on the matter of who to support and as I have said there is no other individual I trust more on the matter of politics then him.