I know our candidates have better things to do with their time then attack each other over past occurrences that have nothing to do with the issues facing our nation.
"Democratic presidential contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton took their escalating war of words to the airwaves on Wednesday, launching radio ads in South Carolina directly attacking each other."
We are still in a war that has no clear end, we are facing a recession, NCLB is a total failure, and we are facing major problems in our environment. I know that people in general could careless about the issues and only want to watch people attack each other over personal issues. We have National News Networks whose philosophy is "if it bleeds it leads." We need a president who will stand above all of this petty bickering. We need someone who is willing to lead this country in a new direction of working together for the betterment of the people that make up our country. At this point in the race our candidates should be showing their ability to lead people in the right direction. I would hope that Senator Obama, Senator Clinton and Senator Edwards would all show the American people how they can turn this type of battle into a peace conference. I hope that they can find a way to run their campaigns without having to attack each other on personal issues.