Friday, June 27, 2008

FISA bill Unconstitutional

The FISA bill is unconstitutional because it gives the government the right to spy on Americans without a warrant. Any information acquired using this law can not be used in a court of law in this country because it would violate a person’s constitutional rights. The Senate in an 80 vote majority voted to cloture the FISA bill which means that within the next 30 hours the bill will be brought to a vote. The action overcomes any hope of a filibuster from the senate.

From the U.S. Senate website:

“Cloture -The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes.”

The argument has been made that with the passage of the patriot act that we gave up our constitutional rights in favor of safety.

I am sorry but the last time I checked the constitution overrides any law made in this country so we can’t give up our constitutional rights by just passing a law unless we want to amend the constitution itself. Mind telling me why people are not educated on the constitution in this country any longer.

The Supreme Court ruled that other laws passed by this administration are unconstitutional so all anyone has to do is file a court case in conjunction with the enforcement of this law and then take it to the Supreme Court to have the law deemed unconstitutional and therefore unenforceable. Surely there are still a few lawyers in this country that understand constitutional law.

You have to wonder when was the last time some of our U.S. Senators read a copy of the constitution. I do believe that they vowed to uphold it when they took office.


The Senate has put off the vote until July 8 so now the voters can tell their senators just what they think of this bill.