Wednesday, September 17, 2008

$400 Billion Bailout Cost to the America Voters

$400 Billion in bailout money is being given to major corporations and not a dime for the people losing their homes on main street America. Where was the oversight of these out of control businesses over the past eight years? Where will this madness stop? Has the Federal Reserve Bank become Sugar Daddy to Corporate America?

The question is how will this effect future business practices in this country? How will this affect the way other countries treat America when it comes to business dealing in the future? The taxpayers of this country can not become the answer to every CEO’s bad decision. Where is the supervision of these publicly held companies? What was the Security and Exchange Commission doing while this crisis was developing? In the near future these questions will have to be answered for the voting public. Someone in corporate America should be held legal accountable for what is clearly out of control greed. The America voters should be outraged that this behavior was allow to continue for so long a period of time and that it will be their tax dollars that will pay for huge mistakes made by these companies.

We need people in Washington who will hold Corporate America accountable for their actions and not just hand them more bailout money at our expense.