Friday, September 26, 2008

Senator Obama v. Senator McCain: This Evening’s Debate

John McCain’s last words were that he would protect the veterans. What is his voting record on veteran healthcare? Has Senator McCain truly supported veterans in this country from the Iraq war? I understand that he has voted against key veteran’s bills such as healthcare and educational benefits over the years. He has not been a friend to the veterans of this country. Coming from West Virginia I had close friends that served in the Vietnam War and I can say that they deserve their benefits.

McCain should learn to look at Senator Obama when he is talking to him. He would not look at the camera or Senator Obama. Senator McCain was too busy looking down his nose at this country to see the voters. Senator McCain is arguing over pork spending which is only 2% of the national budget while Senator Obama wanted to talked about ending the war in Iraq which could save this country ten million dollars a day. Clearly Senator McCain is not very knowledgeable on economic issues. McCain is stuck in the past while Senator Obama is looking toward the future of America.

Senator McCain was not able to see the problem of limiting his vision to only the Iraq War while the rest of the world is falling apart. What he does not see is that the threat from terrorism is not coming from Iraq. Taking your eyes of the ball could clearly end very badly for this country both with future harm and with our economy.

Senator Obama made points when talking about investing in rebuilding our country from the ground up since we all know what trickle down economics can result in over the long run and our economy is not stable enough to withstand those results at present.