Monday, September 1, 2008

Not a Day to Party

New Orleans has survived yet another hurricane with little damage at this point in time. Hurricane Gustav did not hit head on like Katrina so the levees held up until now. There is still some question about two of the levees walls because water is overtopping them.

The Republican Party took the day off from politics to request that republicans should donate money to help victims of Hurricane Gustav. Senator Barack Obama is asking supporters to give money and volunteers to help out the victims of this hurricane. The other two news stories were that Palin’s seventeen year old daughter is pregnant. Senator Obama asked that Palin’s daughter be treated as off limits. He does not want politics to harm a young girl who is facing getting married at a very early age and having a child at the same time. Also our condolences go out to Congressman Steve Pearce and his family because he lost his father today.

Mothers should take this opportunity to speak with their children to explain that while children are a gift you should be in a position to care for them before getting pregnant. Palin’s daughter Bristol is only seventeen which is a young age to have a child. I as a mother would hope that my daughter would spend a few years going to college and working on a career and have a stable marriage before she would consider getting pregnant. We must take the responsible to teach our daughters that they are valued in their families and that they can take their time before having children. Children having children is not good for either. I was thirty four and in a stable relationship with a good job when I got pregnant but things still did not work out as well as I would have liked. Shortly after getting pregnant my daughter’s father was in an accident so I was left to raise our daughter by myself. I had cancer which forced me to give up my good paying job and go back to college to get a desk job which does not pay as well. Life can be hard enough without being young and inexperienced add to the mix. Parents while not attacking Bristol should let their children know that this behavior is not something that they would condone or encourage in their own family.