Monday, September 15, 2008

500 Point Drop in Stock Market, wow am I glad that I don’t plan on retiring anytime soon

We need a president who understands the issues facing our country when it comes to the economy. At this point in history the last thing we need is someone who does not have a firm handle on how to deal with an economy which is facing some of the most difficult times since the nineteen twenties. Too many wrong steps at this point will send this country into a major depression or worst.

We need to encourage growth in small businesses. We need to discourage companies from moving jobs overseas. We need a new source of energy that is not based in the golf coast states so that energy prices don’t soar every time a major hurricane comes ashore. We need to invest in rebuilding and upgrading the levees and sea wall along the coast so that a major hurricane does not destroy our costal cities while costing this country million if not billions and lives all at the same time. We need to invest in research and development to help come up with new ways of creating protection for our costal cities and developing new sources of energy.

We can not afford a war that is not giving back to the stability of this country at present. Oil is simply not the answer in our country’s future and pouring more money into that area will only cost us more money that is badly needed in other areas. Oil futures are not in this nation’s best interest at present. If we don’t wake up and face reality now we will either face a major depression or we will not have a country in a few short years.