Monday, September 29, 2008

Hold Your Nose America

It is time for Congress to vote on the bailout bill. We all know just how much this bill stinks but the republicans have given us no choice at this point but to bailout the economy for the sack of the voting public on Main Street. This does not mean that we should not hold people responsible for their actions that brought the country to the brink of economic disaster. Some of those Corporate CEOs should be seeing time behind bars for this and oversight should get a lot more restrictive in the next few months. The Republican Party loves to throw words around like accountability and responsible so now is the time for them to face their own accountability and responsible for what they have done to this country’s economy.

Don’t you just love how the republican members of congress managed to remove any support from this bill for distressed home owners? The Republican Party has managed to prove once again that the only people they care about work on Wall Street not Main Street America. When the Republican Party speaks about accountability and responsible they are talking about Main Street not Wall Street because it is clear that they think Wall Street is above those requirements. Now is the time to let the Republican Party know that it is Main Street public voters who truly run this country.