Monday, February 9, 2009

President Obama Optimistic about Bipartisanship in the Future

With enough intelligent argument republicans will learn to work with democrats to move the country forward in the right direction. President Obama is giving republicans a lot more credit then I would today but then again I spent the day exchanging emails with an educational administration who only believe in the truth if they agree with it. Discrimination against low paid instructional staff is so rooted in the system that they feel free to inflict unreasonable demands on the low paid individuals just because they can and nobody can or will stop them.

State Senate Bill 444 will be heard in the State Senate Educational Committee on Friday morning. It is a small hope that our legislature will side with these low paid educational employees and bring some justice to an unjust system. If President Obama can hold onto hope them just maybe the rest of us should do the same in local government even if the local educational administration is just as detached as the Republican Party and Corporate CEOs from current reality.

Please make sure to contact you state representatives and encourage them to support State Senate Bill 444. No one should face discrimination in this day and time.