Saturday, March 21, 2009

Precinct Chairperson

Today I became the official precinct chairperson for precinct 273 in ward 19A. I went to the ward meeting to watch our ward chair people in action today. I learned that we need to do a lot in order to welcome new younger people into our organization. Training should occur on a regular schedule and young people should be encouraged to attend so that they will know the rules and how to get elected to precinct chair and ward chair positions in our party.

It does not look good when older members of the party use the rules to lock younger people out of the organization. After all one of the ward chairs put it into words when he said that we are suppose to be the party of inclusions not exclusions. The rules are not user friendly and the posting of such rules are not done in a way where people could simple look them up in order to educate themselves about the process and the requirements. This is about as clear as Mississippi mud if you ask me or anyone who has tried to become an active member of the party.

I don’t want to blame anyone for this problem so lets just suggest strongly that rules books and process requirements should be posted on the county website in order to help clear this issue up for the individuals who want to become active members in their communities. Training for these positions should occur on a monthly base and all active members of the party no matter what their age should be encouraged to get the training.

With a new democratic president in office and new federal and state officials in office we should be able to build a strong party if we are willing to train the next generation to step up and actively support their party. I encourage members of my precinct to contact me and become my block captains. I will make sure that they receive the training so that in the future they can become active members of the Democratic Party. Now is the time to grow our party for the future of our state and our country.