Sunday, September 27, 2009

26% is Shameful for a Sitting Mayor

As I said yesterday Major Chavez clearly has little interest in winning the mayor’s race this year as shown by his poor showing in a survey made public by the Albuquerque Journal today.

The mayor has gone out of his way to ignore the voting public this year and has managed to insult past supporters. He is a stranger in his own party and has done nothing to improve relationships. One does have to wonder if maybe this is his way of handing over the mayor’s office to a republican.

On the other hand we cannot be too sure of just how much support Richard Romero actually has since this survey does not take into account in any meaningful way those professionals and young democratic that supported President Obama during the last election. These people like myself do not have land lines and are excluded from these types of survey and we all know that they are supporting Romero for mayor. I personally would like to see Richard Romero express his vision for the future of the City of Albuquerque and not attack the current mayor so much in public since it turns off the female voters.

So my advice to Mayor Chavez is either step it up or get out of Richard Romero's way because this city cannot afford to have a republican in control at such a critical time in our country’s history.