Sweet little tuck starts his day early and spends long days in the Udall Campaign headquarters with his owner Andrew Marshall. He takes his naps in a play pen next to his master as his owner works answering the never silent phone. Tuck is a member of the Udall Campaign’s U dogs. If you are interested you can go to Tom
Udall for Senate and sign up your little friend for the Udall Campaign. Tuck keeps all of the Udall staff members on their toes and he is pulling real hard for Congressman Udall. I am sure that this little beagle would love to meet you if you are willing to come down to campaign headquarters at 3311 Candelaria NE, Suite B, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone: (505) 884-3055 Email:
info@tomudall.com to help volunteer for the campaign. Tuck has a lot of friends both human and animal at the Udall Campaign headquarters but I think he could welcome a few new ones.