Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why didn’t I just hang up?

I told myself that I would not read any stories about the other woman in the Edwards affair but like all train wrecks it is like you can not help yourself. Why? The woman can not be sane so how could he possible for one second want to risk his marriage, his political career and his whole life for someone like that woman? Someone needs to smack him upside the head. What could you have possible be thinking? Don’t answer that because I don’t want to know how stupid he could really be at times.

When I was twenty one I got married to a medical student who was working to be a doctor. I had it all the marriage, the career and I hoped in the future a family of my own. Our marriage was not a good one. He dropped out of school shortly after we were married. He stopped working and stayed home to work on a career in personal computers. I had my misgivings about the marriage but being catholic I was in it for the life time commitment.

He went to a convention without me. When he returned he stated getting phone calls for a woman. As any wife I was not wholly pleased with this behavior but I understood that he needed friends even if they were more than a little bizarre. Most of his friends were completely bizarre. Then came the confession that he had cheated with this woman so I like any wife started hanging up on her. God, do I know how Elizabeth Edwards feels about that nutcase that her husband clearly made a huge mistake with? Women like her use the title “New Age” to justify behaviors that are clearly harmful to men with families. From my limited experience with new age friends her behavior is not even acceptable to them. Their first rule is “do no harm!”

As it turned out I ended up hanging up on my marriage and not finding another man that I trusted for many years. My daughter’s father past away many years ago, I am now single and very clear to any married man that I don’t period have affairs and that I will totally support political wives in any questionable behavior. The last thing any of my married candidates wish to do is let me see them with another woman because I would rage them out and then give them the choice of telling or I would so I am not looking to be friends with any man that could cheat on his wife. I can honestly say that there are a few candidates that I know are totally devoted to their marriages and their wonderful wives. I completely support them for their seats. So if you see me looking kindly at a married candidate understand that these men can be totally trusted with the voting public’s best interest.

The women of the Democratic Party are clearly not pleased with former Senator John Edwards. Nothing is for sure with any candidate but I can say that few women would support him for any public office at this point in history.