I spent the day hearing about how social issues are being dealt with in the fictional world. Clearly people are feeling stress and want to get away for the reality of the real world. More end of the world fiction is hitting the market as a result of that fear and stress felt by the public. More superhero fiction is also hitting the media because Americas are looking for a hero to save their world. We have not seen that amount of these types of fiction on the rise since the end of the cold war. Some individuals speculate that it is the first step in a therapeutic method our country has to deal in an abstract way with the problems facing this country. Often the best way for people to deal with political issues is to remove them from the here and now so that they can look at them without making it personal. Major social issues are often difficult to deal with if you know the name of the person you are talking about but place the same issue in an abstract sitting and people feel uninhibited and liberated to speak their mind on those same issues. People then feel free to apply those same answers to their current issues.
Clearly change is a topic being dealt with in many ways in this country. It should be interesting to see what the results of our soul searching will be in the future. Will we find ways to solve the problems of healthcare, the divide between the ultra rich and the poor, and protecting the environment while finding a path to energy independents?