Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What were they talking about?

The three people in this picture are Winston Brooks the new superintendent of APS, Congressman Tom Udall and Senator Jeff Bingaman. Both Senator Bingaman and Congressman Udall are strong supporters of the education of the hard sciences in this state. Both understand the significant value of this type of education for our children since a number of our future jobs depend on our work force having the best education in this field of study. Winston Brooks appeared on the PBS show "On the line" he said that teaching intelligent design in our schools was a non issue but he may have just been a little weak with his answer. New Mexico is known for its stand on pure science because of the National Labs. The last thing we want our state to be known for is a weak program in the hard sciences. With a number of individuals working for the labs I am sure that they want and understand the importants of quality education in the hard sciences. We want our children to be the best in those areas of study. Senator Bingaman has supported science and math camps in the summer for our children. I can't help but wonder if Senator Bingaman took the opportunity to express his views on this subject to the new leader of the local school district.

The Obama people would not let me into the VIP area so that I could ask these questions so I am left to speculate just what they were talking about. Maybe next time these gentlemen will be able to find the time to come over and say hello so I don't have to speculate about what they are talking about because I will be able to ask these kind and gentle public services what is on their minds.