Friday, August 8, 2008

Shame on John Edwards; “Oh, my god!”

I can think of nothing more unforgivable then a man having an affair on his wife. I was one of those wives in my first marriage. I will not be friends with anyone that could cheat on his wife. It is simply too unforgivable. He should have never spoken to that “woman” again if Elizabeth made the effort to get past the affair. When a woman puts her trust in a man he should hold that as one of his most cherished trust. I feel sorry for Elizabeth Edwards because of her husband’s behavior. No! we should beat him up for what he did to her. He showed a total disrespect for his wife and children. Our values tell us that marriage is not something that we should disrespected. I personally will never support that man for any public office in this country. Too many women in this country think that it is socially acceptable to have affairs with married men. Clearly both individuals are to blame as it is up to the woman to say no and keep a respectable understanding of where any friendship is going. I can understand caring about someone but that does not excuse crossing that line ever when it comes to a man with a family.